Pew Packers
The Wheeler church family is committed to helping and encouraging young children by teaching them God's Word in any way possible. Pew Packers are for any child of any age... You'll see a few grown-ups in the mix, too:)
Right after Sunday morning Bible class and before worship services, send your kids to pack the pews down front for a short time of prayer, song, and of course a Bible lesson with scripture. Then stand back and be amazed at what they learn and remember.
You'll find yourself singing the song along with them:
"We're gonna pack the pews for the Lord,
We're gonna pack the pews. (repeat)
Read our Bibles, pray every day,
Sing God's praises, love and obey.
O. . . bey, oh, We're gonna pack the pews for the Lord,
We're gonna pack the pews." (repeat)
To encourage our youngsters to listen to the lesson, they are provided with a "Eutychus and You" page you can find here. Although not a requirement, the child is encouraged to listen carefully and follow the instructions. If the child turns in this page after morning worship, he/she receives a small prize from the preacher.
Right after Sunday morning Bible class and before worship services, send your kids to pack the pews down front for a short time of prayer, song, and of course a Bible lesson with scripture. Then stand back and be amazed at what they learn and remember.
You'll find yourself singing the song along with them:
"We're gonna pack the pews for the Lord,
We're gonna pack the pews. (repeat)
Read our Bibles, pray every day,
Sing God's praises, love and obey.
O. . . bey, oh, We're gonna pack the pews for the Lord,
We're gonna pack the pews." (repeat)
To encourage our youngsters to listen to the lesson, they are provided with a "Eutychus and You" page you can find here. Although not a requirement, the child is encouraged to listen carefully and follow the instructions. If the child turns in this page after morning worship, he/she receives a small prize from the preacher.