July 2020 - The Nature of God
Dependent on God
Wednesday Bible Study - July 1st, 2020 Through a study of Psalm 23, we see three needs when it comes to depending on God:
1. The Need to be a Sheep 2. The Need for a Shepherd 3. The Need for Discernment We NEED God! He desires us. Will you be one of His sheep? |
The Importance of Knowing God
Sunday AM Worship - July 5th, 2020 There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God! We must know about God in order to know Him.
Knowing God prevents us from... 1. ...Making things that are not God into gods 2. ...Corrupting ourselves & our worship 3. ...Facing the wrath of God 4. ...Failing to teach the next generations Knowing God allows us to... 1. ...Know the severity of sin 2. ...Know His blessings 3. ...Know our future We MUST know God in order to serve Him and love Him better! |
God Is.
Sunday PM Bible Study - July 5th, 2020 Biblical faith is NOT blind faith, but a fully convicted belief based on evidence!
We can know that God exists, because of: 1. His Creation (Psalm 19:1-4) 2. His Word (2 Tim. 3:16-17) The God of the Bible is the One, True, and Living God! |
The Names of God
Wednesday PM Bible Study - July 8th, 2020 Who is God?
What does the Bible reveal about God's Name? God is...YHWH/JHVH = The Self-existing One He is the Alpha & Omega, the Beginning and the End. |
God Is...Unchanging
Sunday AM Worship - July 12th, 2020 Our God does not change!
He is Unchanging... 1. ...In His Love 2. ...In His Loyalty 3. ...In His Law We should not change our thoughts about God, because our God does not change! |
God Is Triune
Sunday PM Bible Study - July 12th, 2020 The God of the Bible is one God, but has three distinct personalities. This is known as the Godhead or the Trinity.
The persons of the Trinity are: 1. Father 2. Spirit 3. Son All three persons are equal in essence, but they have different roles or functions within the Trinity. |
God Is Omniscient
Sunday AM Worship - July 19th, 2020 The God of the Bible is omniscient, meaning He is all-knowing. There is nothing that God does not know! He knows the past, the present, and the future, because He is outside of time.
Because He is omniscient, we must be: 1. Watchful 2. Thankful 3. Purposeful |
God is Omnipotent
Sunday PM Worship - July 19th, 2020 The God of the Bible is omnipotent, meaning He is all-powerful. He can do anything that He pleases to do, but He will never do anything against His nature!
This lesson answers these questions: 1. Can God lift a rock so big that He cannot lift it? 2. Can God do anything? 3. Is anything too hard for God? 4. Is there anything God cannot do? 5. Can anything/anyone stop what God has set forth? |
God is Omnipresent
Sunday AM Worship - July 26th, 2020 The God of the Bible is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent; however, it may not be in the way that one might think.
This lesson answers these questions: 1. Can God be everywhere at all times? 2. Is God everywhere at all times? 3. Where is God today? 4. In what way is He omnipresent? |
God is Holy
Sunday PM Worship - July 26th, 2020 The Holiness of God is a rich, deep study of the separate-ness and higher nature of God from everything else.
This lesson answers these questions: 1. What is Holiness? 2. Can I be Holy? |