June-July 2021 - Standing On The Promises!
"Standing On His Promises"
6.6.2021 AM PowerPoint |
"The Promise To The Forefathers"
"The Promise Of Adoption"
6.20.2021 AM PowerPoint |
"The First Command With Promise"
6.20.2021 PM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Blessings"
6.27.2021 AM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Proximity"
6.27.2021 PM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Freedom"
7.4.2021 AM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Preservation"
7.4.2021 PM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Peace"
"The Promise Of Jesus' Return"
7.18.2021 AM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Grace"
7.18.2021 PM PowerPoint |
"The Promise Of Harvest"
7.25.2021 AM PPT |
"The Promise Of Rest"
7.25.2021 PM PPT |