January 2021 - Standing Firm
"...having done all to stand...stand firm."
How To Stand Firm
Sunday AM Worship - January 3rd, 2021 "Having done all to stand...stand firm"
We know that we must stand firm with the whole armor of God, but how do we stand firm? By...
"Take Firm Hold of Instruction"
Sunday PM Worship - January 3rd, 2021 Another way to stand firm is to "take firm hold of instruction"
"Stand Firm by Abounding"
Sunday AM Worship - January 10th, 2021 To Stand Firm in faith, we must always be abounding in the work of God! (1 Cor. 15:58, 2 Cor. 8:7)
We must be abounding in...
"Make Firm The Feeble Knees"
Sunday PM Worship - January 10th, 2021 "Strengthen the weak hands, make firm the feeble knees" - Isaiah 35:3
One man who showed great concern & action for God's people was Moses. We see in Exodus:
"Stand Firm In One Spirit"
Sunday AM Worship - January 17th, 2021 In this lesson, we study to answer the question of how to stand firm in one spirit according to Paul in Phili. 1:27-30:
"God's Covenants Stand Firm"
Sunday PM Worship - January 17th, 2021 Psalm 89:28 - "My covenant shall stand firm with him." (NKJV)
In this lesson, we cover these topics:
"Standing Firm Amid Uncertainty"
Sunday AM Worship - January 24th, 2021 We can stand firm when we are unsure...
"Standing Firm In The Traditions"
Sunday PM Worship - January 24th, 2021 2 Thess. 2:15 - "Therefore, brethren, stand [firm] and
hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle." We seek to answer this question and discuss these topics:
"Standing On The Firm Foundation"
Sunday AM Worship - January 31st, 2021 We studied the parable of the wise man and the foolish man from Matthew 7:24-27.
Study with us to find out the:
"Standing Firm To Help Others"
Sunday PM Worship - January 31st, 2021 1 Thess. 3:8 - "For now we live, if you stand [firm] in the Lord."
In this lesson, we studied 1 Thess. 3:7-13 to find out that if we stand firm in the faith...