Leadership Training for Christ - LTC
Ready to prepare for LTC?
Bible Bowl Practice Quizzes
Overview of Revelation Chapters 6-22
Speaker: Garrett English
Picture Slideshow
Podcast Series "What Does It Mean? A Study of Revelation" by SGC
Click below to listen to episode #1 Introduction & Chapter 1
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Video Bible Drama - "God Wins, Satan Loses"
worthy_video_bible_drama_ltc_2021.pdf |
Puppets - "Auction of Items Worthy of Worship"
Ever been to an auction? Come with us as we see which items will receive the highest bid. A fun puppet show written by our own Bree:)
auction_of_items_worthy_of_worship__1_.pdf |
The purpose of the chorus event is by singing acappella music in a choral setting in order to encourage believers, witness to unbelievers, and praise our God.